English Knowledge

Sunsetting ERG Support in Yoroi Wallet

Sunsetting ERG Support in Yoroi Wallet

Table of ContentsBackgroundQ&AAbout Yoroi Background Beginning February 28, 2023, Yoroi Wallet will be sunsetting our support for the ERG token, Ergo Platform's official cryptocurrency.  For our ERG holders, we recommend beginning the process of migrating...

EMURGO: Looking Ahead to 2023

EMURGO: Looking Ahead to 2023

Table of ContentsEMURGO's new Cardano $USDA stablecoin waitlist is open to the publicNew Yoroi developments for a better user experience; integration with the Cardano USDA stablecoin can be expected for 2023A rebrand to Cardano Spot: more content and better features...
