July 8, 2021

EMURGO’s Head of Sales on EMURGO Trace and Blockchain in Africa

EMURGO s Head of Sales on Blockchain Solutions

A few months ago, EMURGO’s Head of Sales Curtis Thayer gave us his thoughts about:

– Cardano and its commercial use cases such as EMURGO Trace

– EMURGO Academy’s blockchain education programs (Click link to learn more and sign up)

– Adoption of blockchain in Africa

As a global emerging technologies company and a founding entity of the Cardano blockchain – EMURGO is focused on solving the intricate problems of enterprises through the development of solutions leveraging our professional expertise and emerging technologies.

Also filmed as part of a special Cardano Africa episode, Curtis’ thoughts and other details are summarized here for your reading pleasure.

On EMURGO Trace-as-a-Platform Service

EMURGO Trace is a platform service for enterprises wishing to integrate blockchain technologies and its core advantages into their business verticals.

Customized, specific frameworks and various types of solutions can be built on top of EMURGO Trace.

As a platform service, EMURGO Trace is currently tracking the coffee beans of Blue Korintji Coffee and Alko Sumatra Kopi in the Indonesian coffee industry to offer supply chain stakeholders and consumers transparency behind their premium coffee products.

Alko is also the first enterprise in Southeast Asia to embrace blockchain technology for coffee traceability.

This has led to Alko announcing its plans to leverage EMURGO Trace to export an additional 100 tonnes of blockchain-traced coffee to China.

The initial focus of EMURGO Trace has been on tracking and tracing products in agricultural supply chains to empower farmers and small family farms to tell the stories behind their premium products to their consumers while also providing a fairer environment for all stakeholders.

EMURGO believes that EMURGO Trace can be further integrated not only for product transparency in traditional retail markets like coffee, but also deliver additional value such as financing for enterprises in underserved regions in the road ahead.

On blockchain development in Africa

EMURGO and its Cardano ecosystem partners strongly consider Africa to be an important region for blockchain adoption given its young demographic, embrace of consumer technology, and openness towards new technologies and entrepreneurship.

With no real barriers from established players and legacy technologies of the past, Africa is positioned for the fast adoption of technologies such as mobile solutions, payments solutions, identity, and more, to deliver a wide range of financial and enterprise services.

A young demographic that is familiar with mainstream consumer technology and favorable towards entrepreneurship also makes us excited about the potential for blockchain technology to provide real, tangible benefits to the region.

IOHK’s recent announcement to provide a Cardano blockchain-based ID system for 5 million students and 750,000 teachers in Ethiopia to track student performance in cooperation with the Ministry of Education is one prime example of Cardano’s actual use case in offering real benefits.

EMURGO and our partners want to provide the technological tools and building blocks necessary for businesses and people in the region to develop value-adding businesses services on Cardano’s blockchain technology.

To initiate a pilot program to train aspiring entrepreneurs and blockchain developers, EMURGO Academy recently partnered with a local company, ABCD (Africa Blockchain Center for Developers).

This program will train an initial cohort of 14 developers on Cardano and blockchain networks to connect them with blockchain projects happening across the continent and give career empowerment opportunities.

On Blockchain Education

EMURGO Academy – EMURGO’s education unit – launched in February 2019 to train prospective and career developers to become blockchain proficient and offer career upskilling opportunities.

For blockchain technology to be adopted by more businesses, developers, and the general public, EMURGO strongly believes education is needed to raise general awareness about the many benefits it can provide compared to existing services.

Then, more and more businesses and developers will start to produce blockchain-based services and solutions to a wider segment of the population.

As such, EMURGO Academy’s curated courses are taught by professional instructors to enable students to become a full Cardano developer by giving a comprehensive overview of Cardano and how to successfully develop real blockchain solutions on the Cardano platform.

*Click here to learn more about EMURGO Academy’s Foundations of Blockchain program, perfect for beginners to upskill their careers and become blockchain proficient.

Integrate EMURGO Trace Platform to Your Business to Gain a Competitive Edge

As a founding entity of the Cardano protocol, EMURGO is able to leverage its abilities for large scale blockchain development and rapid solutions deployment to benefit its global clients, especially for businesses lacking experience in blockchain solutions development.

Via the EMURGO Trace platform, your business can benefit from digital services such as complete product traceability including certification of origin, digital management of data records, enhanced consumer trust in your products, and in turn, increased business margins.

For more information and to receive customized feedback, please send your inquiries to info@dev.emurgo.io and our team will get back to you in a timely manner to help you develop and implement an efficient digital blockchain solution.


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