November 24, 2020

EMURGO and its Education Business

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As EMURGO continues to grow and evolve day-by-day as a global blockchain solutions company, we’ve understandably received more interest from the community about our overall business activities.

Today, we would like to give an update and outline our business activities and objectives, as well as answer a couple of common questions we are often asked.

  • Why does EMURGO have dealings with blockchain protocols other than Cardano?

As many in the community already probably know, Cardano is progressing according to its technological development roadmap. Cardano earlier this year successfully transitioned from its Byron inception to a full decentralization of the Cardano blockchain with Shelley. The next upcoming Goguen update should bring smart contract features and is currently under development. This update, along with subsequent updates, needs more time to be finalized in accordance with our Cardano partners.

As EMURGO is also a private commercial entity, we must both stay flexible enough to meet our own business interests and to also align with Cardano’s overall development hand in hand. Cardano’s overall development goes through its own timeline. Thus, we have to develop our own business opportunities based on the greater blockchain space, to exert more control over our own internal objectives.

Once Cardano is fully functional with its planned features, there will be more opportunities to integrate Cardano into our business opportunities within the Cardano ecosystem, and bring mutual benefits to parties involved. We believe having a wider range of options and greater flexibility is beneficial to all.

  • What is the status of EMURGO’s current activities and future projects?

EMURGO always regularly posts our latest news and updates directly to our official Twitter account @emurgo_io. We encourage you to follow us there to always have the latest information.

Currently, EMURGO is focusing on:

1) Continuing to increase users of Yoroi Wallet for ADA transactions, ADA staking, ADA storage, ERG transactions, etc., through consistent development and features upgrades. We most recently surpassed 50,000 users of Yoroi Wallet Chrome Extension and are looking to support other compatible currencies in the future;

2) Continuing to develop and upgrade products and services for the community such as Oracle Core that can be leveraged by developers;

3) Expanding real use integration of EMURGO Traceability Solution with global enterprises through our Brandmark joint venture and regional EMURGO offices across the globe. EMURGO has been working with corporations such as Blue Korintji Coffee, Ahava, Angel Bakeries, HydroShop, CultivAid, and others as a partner and provider of customized blockchain-based traceability solutions;

4) Continuing to partner with a broad spectrum of industry brands and organizations that have synergies with Cardano such as ADA payments on, ADA staking support on Moonstake, DeFi solutions and R&D with Ergo, retail businesses around the globe for ADA payments, etc;

5) Through EMURGO’s education unit EMURGO Academy, we provide expert instruction, certification, and customized course content in a wide range of technologies with a focus on blockchain. The goal is to expand the overall blockchain ecosystem by providing easy online access to an industry-recognized Edutech platform thereby recruiting prospective students interested in technological proficiency, especially blockchain proficiency.

6) Continuing to speak at conferences and events that show synergy with our business objectives;

7) Continuing to engage with our leading blockchain industry association partners such as the Chamber of Digital Commerce and Hyperledger to identify important trends and opportunities. We will further accelerate our collaboration with other recognized blockchain organizations.

8) In terms of investments, we have currently made investments in over ten promising blockchain companies. We will continue to support these startup projects in our portfolio and strengthen EMURGO’s collaboration with Cardano.

EMURGO’s strategy is to stay flexible and multi-pronged to provide different types of businesses outside of the Cardano ecosystem while also identifying opportunities that show mutual synergies with Cardano. This flexibility carries the following advantages:

1) Accumulate relevant knowledge and the experiences of different blockchain-based businesses to apply to Cardano once it is fully developed;

2) Identify different types of actual business needs according to industries and work with IOG to help meet these needs through solutions development on Cardano;

3) Once Cardano is fully developed, it is designed to be compatible and offer interoperability with other blockchains and legacy systems. EMURGO’s clients and customers can be consulted to explore migration benefits to Cardano;

4) Stay flexible as a private commercial entity to help EMURGO to better build productive relationships with a wider variety of stakeholders, and as a result, provide more opportunities to integrate future businesses on Cardano;

5) Have a broader and deeper understanding of enterprise blockchains which assists with identifying their strengths, weaknesses, and any potential compatibility issues;

6) The entire blockchain industry is still nascent. By educating and providing developments on a wider range of technologies through our activities, the blockchain community as a whole can get larger, and thereby attract a greater number of talented global human resources to Cardano.

Through these advantages of exploring commercially-related activities with a broader spectrum of blockchain technologies, the Cardano ecosystem can benefit and gain as a result.

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