May 19, 2020

EMURGO Webinar Presents “Beyond the Block:A Deep Dive Into How Blockchain Can Improve Supply Chains”

EMURGO – a global blockchain solutions company – has organized two webinars thus far to discuss blockchain use cases for businesses and career professionals. People from all over the world with different career backgrounds have been welcome to join and participate in our webinars. Each webinar has focused on a specific blockchain-related topic and also discussed EMURGO’s own Traceability Solution further in-depth.

With that in mind, EMURGO is pleased to invite you to join our third “Beyond The Block” webinar with EMURGO Consulting Group Manager Purushotham, and our guests Trace Labs General Manager Jurij Skornik, and Trace Labs Co-founder & CTO Branimir Rakic, on Thursday May 28, 2020 at 20:00 JST (Japan Time)/11:00 GMT.

In our latest “Beyond the Block” webinar, we will do a deep dive analysis into how blockchain solutions can be integrated into various supply chains with both public and permissioned data.  With rising enterprise adoption of blockchain solutions for business verticals, the control and privacy of stakeholder data in supply chains has become one of the most important features to consider when properly tailoring and integrating the right blockchain solution. This webinar will discuss this topic and other questions from the audience.

To register for the EMURGO webinar, please go here. Upon successful registration, you will receive a confirmation email with further details of the webinar meeting.

Who is this webinar for?

This webinar is for blockchain novices and experts alike. Blockchain technology is increasingly an area of interest for enterprises of all sizes and this webinar will be especially informative to people working in the following industries: supply chain, transportation, logistics, inventory management, as well as entrepreneurs, and blockchain enthusiasts.

Topics to be covered:

  • What Is A Blockchain?
  • How Blockchain Adds Value to Supply Chains
  • EMURGO Traceability Solution – A Case Study
  • Public and Permissioned Data in Supply Chains
  • Q&A Session

20:00 Start of Webinar
20:00 Introduction of Blockchain & Integration Into Supply Chains
20:20 How Trace Alliance Supports Public and Permissioned Data in Supply Chain
20:40 Q&A Session
21:00 End of Webinar

Who Are The Speakers?

emurgo webinar 3 speakers2

Purushotham Maralappa – Consulting Manager at EMURGO Japan, advising businesses on driving blockchain adoption. Prior to joining EMURGO, he handled ICO advisory at ICOBench. Other past career experiences include working at Sony Mobile Communication, and in the healthcare sector as a Senior Business Analyst, as well as co-founding an IT company in India.

Jurij Skornik – General Manager at Trace Labs (OriginTrail Core Developer), with 8+ years of experience in various industries as a consultant, and expertise in business and product development, digitalization, organizational design, logistics operations, and IT system implementation

Branimir Rakic – Co-founder & CTO at Trace Labs (OriginTrail Core Developers), with 9+ years of experience as a systems engineer, architecting and bringing solutions to production in large scale 2G, 3G, LTE, IoT and decentralized networks, with a focus on linked data, standards and systems interoperability

Sign Up For Free Now!

Don’t wait to register! Go here now to register: EMURGO Webinar Registration page

This is a free webinar, and a confirmation email will be sent upon successful registration with the details of the meeting. We look forward to seeing you there!

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