February 12, 2020

Free EMURGO Seminar: “Beyond the Block, How Blockchain Can Improve Your Business!”

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If you are in Japan and are interested in learning about improving your business with blockchain technology, please come and join our upcoming seminar “Beyond the Block: How Blockchain can Improve Your Business!” on February 25, at the EMURGO Japan office in Tokyo.

At this free and informative seminar, you will have the opportunity to listen to those who have years of professional experience in the blockchain field and are providing blockchain advisory services to various business sectors, as well as a unique networking opportunity for those wishing to inquire about potentially integrating blockchain solutions into their own businesses!

Just this past month in January, EMURGO officially announced our creation of a national blockchain task force with the National Agency of Project Management (NAPM) under the Republic of Uzbekistan to provide advisory services with our partners to usher in a digital blockchain-based economic age in Uzbekistan. EMURGO has also been continuously advising other domestic and international enterprises on implementing blockchain solutions as a way to efficiently increase revenue and explore new business models, in addition to developing tailored systems products for enterprises & developers.

As for the industry sectors to be discussed, EMURGO will be diving into blockchain use cases in the areas of fintech, gaming, logistics, real estate, and agriculture to discuss the answers to the question of “Where can blockchain be useful?” Following the event, attendees will be able to enjoy some snacks and drinks while networking with fellow attendees and EMURGO’s team members.

Who is this seminar for? How can I join?

This event is for blockchain novices and experts alike and everyone is welcome to join. Businessmen & businesswomen, business owners, software developers, blockchain enthusiasts, aspiring entrepreneurs, and others who are in the field of DLT, fintech, logistics, & gaming will especially find value in attending this upcoming event. So, please be sure to mark you calendars for this event!

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Please check the agenda for the seminar below:

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Date: February 25, 2020
Time: 7:00pm – 9:00pm
Venue: EMURGO Japan Akasaka Office, 〒150-0052 Akasaka Enokizaka Bldg 11F 1-7-1 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo (2 minute walk from Tameike Station)
Participation fee: FREE

You can now sign up for the event at the EMURGO Peatix page.

*Please note that the programme is subject to change, and will be updated continuously until the event.

Speaker Profiles

Yosuke Yoshida, CEO of EMURGO Japan. After growing up in New York and graduating from Keio University in 2003, Yoshida entered one of the biggest general trading companies in Japan. Yoshida now has more than 15 years of experience in business development and project management for multiple international and government projects, including M&A projects, mainly in the SE Asia region. Since then, Yoshida has leveraged his accumulated business acumen to lead EMURGO Japan’s unit to onboard enterprises and institutions showing synergy with blockchain-based solutions.

Purushotham Maralappa, Consultant, EMURGO Japan. Prior to joining EMURGO, Puru handled ICO advisory at ICOBench. Other past experience includes work in a global telecommunications conglomerate and in the healthcare sector as a Senior Business Analyst and Business Intelligence Expert. Puru has also co-founded an Information Technology company in India.

Mickey Mitsumoto, PR Manager, EMURGO Japan. PR Planner accredited by PRSJ. After graduating from Niigata University, he joined NTT Communications, the biggest telecom company in Japan, working in their UK office as an Engineer. After that, he worked in PR at a US-based PR Agency and a global gaming company before joining EMURGO to drive the adoption of blockchain-based solutions.

Takahiro Hoshi, Consulting Manager, EMURGO Japan. After graduating from Vancouver Island University, Hoshi joined NTT Data Getronics, a subsidiary to the biggest IT company in Japan, and Recruit, Japan’s biggest HR and lifestyle media company. Hoshi has years of experience with product development, business development, and sales & marketing for enterprises. Hoshi now has been focused on helping to implement blockchain-based solutions for clients.

Should you be interested, feel free to sign up at Peatix page today! EMURGO is looking forward to seeing you at the upcoming seminar. Meanwhile, please don’t forget to follow our social media accounts and sign up to the EMURGO Newsletter to always receive the latest news from EMURGO!

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‌EMURGO drives the adoption of Cardano and adds value to ADA holders by building, investing in, and advising projects or organizations that adopt Cardano’s decentralized blockchain ecosystem. EMURGO leverages its expertise in blockchain R&D as well as its global network of related blockchain and industry partners to support ventures globally.

EMURGO is the official commercial and venture arm of the Cardano project, headquartered in Singapore, with a presence in Japan, the USA, India, and Indonesia. EMURGO works closely with IOHK and The Cardano Foundation to grow Cardano’s ecosystem globally, and promote its adoption. Learn more about the project at https://dev.emurgo.io

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